Pang-Pond Himapan World 3D


年份: 2006

片长: 8 Ep. x 11 Mins


The Adventure in a Magic Forest

The story of a magical White Monkey named Hanuman who is transported and trapped in the Computerized and Digital Epic World of both myth and reality

With Hanuman’s limited time, he has to break the controlling spell from the outside world and find out who made his entrapment. Realizing that he was in a digital zone, he searched for help to gather 4 magic marbles by himself, he made efforts to contact his Friend Pang Pond from the real world through mental telepathy. Unbelievable as it is Pang Pond came to the rescue.

The adventure story doesn’t end here. They then realized that each magic marble is situated at the farthest point of the four corners of the world. But to Hanuman and Pang Pond, they will do everything to get hold of the 4 magic marbles and go back to their world. In their search, they still have to undergo another challenge as “someone” is doing all to prevent this by controlling everything and everyone inside the Digital Epic World. Their destiny is for you to find out.

Wathc out how Hanuman and Pang Pond in their Adventure of Epic World could accomplish


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