3 Kingdoms


  • 年份: 2005
  • 片長: 11Min x 26Episode


A Chinese dynastic saga dramatizes the time from the Han dynasty (A.D.179-A.D.280), when the empire was divided into 3 warring kingdoms. From a compelling traditional fiction to one of the world most successful historiography with fiction novels with various revisions and translations by hundreds of thousands renounce authors and translations by hundreds of thousands renounce authors around the world.

The story offers an intimate and unsparing view of the period in the closing years of the Han Dynasty glorifying the period after the quelling of the Yellow Turbans Uprising in the time of Emperor Len Tay. During the time of Emporor Hian Tay, the 9 Year old predecessor, with Dong Zhuo as the tyrant, the royal court was in turmoil. The warlords sprung up everywhere in struggle to save the nation and compete for power. Leading to the rise of San Gua


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